Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rally Day 1 - Dedicated to the Dolomite breakdown

What a day! And this was day 1 – can’t wait to see day 5!  The day started badly when, having figured out what was wrong with the Dolly (wrong thermostat), Stu got up at 5:30am to replace it. However, it didn’t quite go according to plan. The thermostat didn’t seat correctly and cracked the housing. Bastard! So, while everybody else was assembling at Breakfast Creek Hotel, I drove Stu to a Triumph specialist in Cleveland to get a new housing and gasket. Job done, leak fixed, away we went. And for the first time the Dolly seemed to behave itself. And it kept behaving itself until it got stuck behind a truck near Dalby. The temperature shot up, and a closer inspection revealed that there was NO water in the radiator.  Sigh. After filling up with petrol at Chinchilla, Stu and Eloise (with Eloise at the wheel) gunned it to Mitchell. There was still some excitement as there was road work between Roma and Mitchell, and the Dolly wanted to blow it’s stack. But – they made it!
No other real adventures to be told. The ‘rona ran really well., although it got a little hot towards the end of the day, but all in all  not a bad day for the old girl. Our fellow convoy members Scuderia Shitbox also had no problems – although, it IS an Alfa.

The Alfa
The dolly

The Rona


Unknown said...

The 'Rona' can't be perfect. Where's the fun in that?

Unknown said...

try taking to top off the stubby