Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 3 - a long long day!

Day 3 saw us travel up from Longreach to Gregory Downs. This was a long, long, long day. In total we travelled 860 km. Breakfast was the standard bacon and eggs – tough but I’m finding a way to deal with it. This was the day the ‘rona started to argue! Basically the old girl ran hot all day, with the occasional objection followed by a large burp of coolant out of the radiator overflow. This happened basically the whole day. When we stopped at the Walkabout Creek Hotel, 3 L of fluid went into the radiator! So, the second half of the day was spent with the heater on.
The Alfa
The 'rona
The Dolly
Sheldon weaving his magic
Dan trying to pick up hoola girl at the Walkabout Creek Hotel
The 'ronas out the front of the Walkabout Creek Hotel
The Dolly is getting better as the rally goes on. It still runs hot when it gets stuck in traffic – but at 110 km/h it just loves life. Just typical of the bloody British.  They occasionally needed to turn the heater on, but all in all it is running quite ok. Stu told me last night that a Shitbox rally voted put it in the top 10 cars voted most likely not to make it.
Our dashboard collection
A convoy of shitboxes
While it was a long and stressful drive some of the countryside was truly spectacular. Driving into Cloncurry traveling through mountains and woodland was amazing. But it got better. After stopping at Burke and Wills Roadhouse for petrol etc, we drove into a setting sun. While not the greatest thing to do, the sunset was something else. But it still got better – the night sky! I have seen nothing like it ever. You here of all these metaphors to describe it, but they just don’t do it justice. And them all together, multiply by 10000, and you are still not there. Singularly the most amazing natural thing I have ever seen.
Long, challenging, exhausting, amazing.
Sunset on the road to Gregory Downs
Some stats for Day 3:
Kilometers travelled: 860 km
Road kill – 2500 dead kangaroos
Coolant consumed by the Dolly: 200 L
Collant used by the ‘rona: 467 L
Female boob flashing encounters: 0 pair (thank god for that!)
Emus: none
Number of dead shitbox: 0
Number of overtaking moves by the ‘rona: 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Number of overtaking moves performed on the ‘rona: 98367540154
Number of crap songs that Neumann played: 10000000000000000000000000000

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