Thursday, December 4, 2008

Recent bed photo's

Here are some photo's of the veggie bed taken last weekend. It is amazing how much growth you can get in just one month. And if anybody can tell me how to keep black birds out of my beds please let me know. They are infuriating.

Bed 1 - root crop: carrots, onions, beetroot, leeks, potatoes

Bed 2 - companion plants: sweet corn & cucumbers, sunflowers, pumpkin, zucchini

Bed 3 - Acid loving plants: egg plant, capsicums, tomatoes

Bed 4 - Beans: butter, purple king climbing, bush beauty and French dwarf, blue lake climbing

Bed 5 - The mixture: lettuce and rocket, butter beans and snow peas.

The chickens have also arrived. We have three named Poppy (white), Henny Penny (red) and Chook chook (black). They seem to have settled in ok and we will allow some "free ranging" over the coming weeks.
The chooks adjusting to their new abode. They seem to be admiring my rather crappy woodworking skills.

Hopefully be the next post we will be eating more than just lettuce from the veggie garden, and feasting on fresh eggs. Yum!


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